Most homes are going to feature at least one room that has carpet. Many families love this flooring since it is soft underfoot, adds warmth and can reduce noise in the home. But, one thing you do need to keep up with is maintenance. In other words, you will want to take care of the carpet and make sure it is clean. This is going to ensure that it has a long life in your house.
Are you not sure whether your carpet is clean or not? Often, it can be hard to tell if you vacuum most days and do your best to keep the carpet free from dirt. But, there are five signs that you may need to do some more cleaning.
There are Visible Marks and Stains
Have you spilt drinks or food on the carpet over the years? Unfortunately, this is something that happens in many households. While you can try to clean it up at the time, there can still be marks and stains left behind. Some families resign and believe they are going to be stuck with these marks and stains. But, you might be surprised to find out that they can be uplifted with the right equipment.
In particular, professional cleaning services might be just what you need to remove visible marks and stains. You can renew your carpet and feel better about your home. For example, find out more about carpet cleaning from Platinum Cleaning. This is a professional cleaning company in London that offers a variety of services, which includes professional carpet cleaning.
There is an Unpleasant Odour
Most people vacuum every few days. This can be a good way to get rid of dust, dirt and debris that is lying on top of the pile. But, it is possible that there is dirt and bacteria building up further into the carpet that you cannot see. Over time, this can release unpleasant odours, whether this is down to pet urine, bad food or other debris that has been left in the carpet.
So, if you feel like there is an unpleasant odour coming from the carpet, this is a sign that you need to take action. In particular, it might be best to call in professionals to clean the flooring. This is going to ensure the best results and make sure that you get rid of the bad smell in your home.
It is Years Old
Carpet can last for many years, which is one of the reasons why homeowners love it. But, something you have to realise is that carpet does get dirty and vacuuming it often will not be enough. Indeed, if you have had your carpet for many years and never had it washed and cleaned, this is a sign that you will need to do it.
Therefore, professional cleaning is something you should consider for an old carpet. Not only is this a good way to sanitise your home, but it can also give it a new lease of life. You might be surprised by how the colour has changed over the years without you realising it. A professional clean will bring the carpet back to its best.
Allergies are Bothering You
Do you have allergies, and have they been playing up recently? Of course, allergies can be bad if you are around dust and dander without realising it. Perhaps you are cleaning up all the time and still cannot get to the bottom of it. Well, the culprit could be right there in front of your eyes. We are talking about the carpet.
Vacuuming is good on a daily basis. But, it does not always get right into the pile, and there can still be dust and allergens left there. This could be what is making your allergies worse. So, this is definitely a sign that you should deep clean your carpet. It can get rid of the allergens that might be causing you problems.
You Have Dogs or Cats
Do you love your dogs or cats and are they part of your family? Indeed, these are two of the most popular pets you can have in the UK. But, you have to remember that they can be dirty and this is something that can affect your carpet. Even the cleanest of pets are going to bring dirt into the home when they are outside. In particular, if you have young children this is something you should be wary about.
Of course, we are not saying get rid of your pets. We mean that you should clean your carpet regularly to spot the spread of dirt and germs. Sometimes, vacuuming is not going to be enough and you need to get a deep clean done. Again, a professional carpet cleaning service will be able to do this quickly and ensure it is safe for your pets.