Stubborn signs of aging can drag down your self-esteem to a large extent. No matter how many anti-aging creams or treatments you take, they fail to work, pulling down your self-worth and confidence further. If you are in an industry like entertainment or media where looking youthful is the key to getting assignments, you must ensure that these stubborn signs of age are mitigated fast, and the best way for you to do so is to visit a good doctor for a surgical procedure.
Facelift for reversing the signs of age for a more youthful look
With the help of a facelift, you can tighten sagging skin and smoothen out wrinkles and fine lines. Your surgeon will give you a realistic picture of how you will look after the surgery is done. The surgeon often shows you the “before” and “after” pictures of previous patients so that you get an idea as to what to expect.
Besides the above, he will also explain to you the procedure for the surgery so that you can make the requisite arrangements to get ready for it. It involves a hospital stay, so you should be prepared to take leave from work to get it done safely.
Understanding the facelift procedure
The facelift refers to cosmetic surgery to make you look younger, and the procedure primarily arrests sagging skin. It helps to make the skin on the jawline and cheeks smooth, and in medical terms, it is known as rhytidectomy. During the procedure, the skin flaps on each side are pulled back. The surgeon makes alterations to the tissues in the skin so that it gets a youthful shape. With the facelift, a neck lift can also be done as it reduces sagging and fat skin in the region.
You should note that a facelift would not arrest damage that has been caused due to sun exposure, like wrinkles and fine lines. In such cases, you need to look out for other cosmetic procedures that arrest the quality or the look of the skin in itself.
Reasons for going for a facelift
As people age, the shape and the look of their face changes. It becomes loose and loses its firmness. Deposits of fat often increase or decrease in some areas of the face. With the help of a cosmetic procedure, you can reduce sagging in the cheeks and get rid of excess skin located in the lower jawline. The system also arrests the deep folds of skin on the sides of the nose to the mouth corners. However, before signing up for the procedure, you must note that a facelift is not a treatment for sun damage, fine lines, and creases on the upper lip. It will not arrest uneven skin tone either.
Please schedule an appointment with an excellent doctor to learn more about the procedure and ensure you are aware of its pros and cons. You must take leave from work for the recovery period so ensure you have ample time on your hands if you decide to proceed with the surgery.