CBD topicals are super popular among people looking to experience the benefits of CBD. This blog post will discuss essential things you should know about topical CBD.
What is a CBD Topical?
CBD topicals are super popular these days. A CBD topical is any product that is supposed to be used on the skin. Be it the facial skin or any other part of the body. Creams, lotions, salves, serums, and essential oils infused with CBD are different types of CBD topicals.
How do CBD Topicals work?
As mentioned before, a CBD topical acts as a lubricant that penetrates the topmost layer of the skin when rubbed against it. The way topicals do the healing is by directly entering the bloodstream through the skin layers.
Once the topical enters the bloodstream, then the CBD interacts with the body’s cannabinoid receptors. It takes at least an hour for someone to experience the effect of CBD.
CBD Topicals by Concentration
A full-spectrum CBD topical is one that has both THC, CBD, and other aroma-filled compounds. A full-spectrum CBD is like a full package in which nearly all the possible elements of the Sativa plant are present. It also contains tiny amounts of THC.
The other type of topical CBD in this regard is the CBD isolate. What makes an isolate different from a CBD full-spectrum is that a CBD isolate has only CBD in it. Research suggests that although CBD isolate does provide the beneficial effects of CBD, however, a full-spectrum CBD works better.
Another difference is that you can easily get a CBD-isolate topical as they are legal to purchase anywhere. However, to purchase a full-spectrum topical with traces of THC, you will need a medical marijuana card and your doctor’s prescription.
Types of CBD Topicals
From edibles and tinctures to topicals, the makers of cannabis products are adding CBD to a diverse range of products. This is why in the recent decade, the market of CBD topicals has heated up a lot. Below are the most common types of topical CBD consumed popularly.
Skin Creams and Lotions
Topical CBD creams and lotions available at https://joyorganics.com/products/cbd-cream can easily be applied to the skin. These topicals can be used anywhere on the body. They are an ideal solution for people who are looking to moisturize the dry parts of the skin while experiencing the healing effects of CBD at the same time.
Essential Oil
CBD oils are a versatile solution to treating various health conditions. There are two ways you can consume CBD oils. One is by orally ingesting them in the form of a tincture or by adding them to food. Also, you can also choose to take a teaspoonful of CBD oil. The second way is to apply them topically.
Salves or balms are the same as creams and lotions. However, the effects of CBD can be experienced much better when used in the form of salves rather than creams and lotions. The dominant content of salves is beeswax – making salves softer than lotions. Individuals who have problems such as psoriasis and other skin conditions can find CBD salves to be more relieving than creams and lotions.
The main function of gels is to provide a cooling effect upon rubbing against the skin. This is why a lot of people suffering from body pains and headaches prefer CBD gels for treatment. The way to use gels is you apply a few drops to the forehead and gently rub for a minute. After this, you will feel that the sinus pressure is being relieved and you start to feel a cooling effect. CBD gels are very effective for treating headaches.
Transdermal Patches
If you’re looking for a CBD topical that provides the best results – then going for a transdermal patch should be your choice. But, if your goal is to experience the psychoactive effects of a CBD topical, then these patches are not the option. These patches are effective at lowering back pain and relieving pain in other portions of the body. Patches have an adhesive side that you stick to the area where you feel pain. You need to keep the patch stuck to its spot for about 72 hours to get the maximum results.
Use of Scents
Not everything medicinal has to smell bad. Different types of topicals are also available in the perfumed form. You can find a variety of scents in various CBD topicals. Popular scents include lavender, floral and woody.
Health Conditions Treatable with Topical CBD
Chronic Pain and Inflammation
Research shows that applying topical CBD helps ease the pain. Also, it reduces the effect of inflammation. The inflammatory response is due to the problem of arthritis. Out of five adults worldwide, there is one such person who has arthritis. Also, CBD oils are seen to be very effective in treating such conditions.
Migraine Attacks
People who have a health condition of having severe migraine attacks have benefited from topical CBD’s healing effects. The symptoms of headaches like migraine can effectively be treated with cannabis oils and gels.
According to the American Migraine Foundation, a massage of CBD oil on the neck and joints can result in ease of pain in these areas. Not only this, but CBD oil is potent enough to act better than other alternatives.
CBD oil can also be used to treat nausea by ingesting it orally. The person ingesting CBD oil will not have to go through intoxication – which is a big benefit.
The full-spectrum CBD topicals have properties beneficial for treating inflammation and itching. Therefore, people suffering from eczema can experience relief with cannabis topicals. Atopic dermatitis is a disease that is healable with exposure to CBD.
The above treatment abilities of cannabis topicals refer to the entourage effect. The CBD and other essential cannabinoids present in topicals stimulate the receptors present in the skin. And this happens as a result of the entourage effect.
Concluding the Discussion
The types mentioned above and the benefits of topical CBD show the reason behind its popularity. Along with the usual benefits of the topical, you can experience the healing effects of CBD at the same time.