Every citizen has a constitutional right to education, which equips people with the skills necessary to function as sophisticated members of society. By constantly focusing on its absence, it is possible to conclude the significance of education.
The value of education and its importance can be appreciated by looking at the life of an uneducated, illiterate individual who has never had the opportunity to attend school and is suffering from the effects of illiteracy. They may know the value andthe necessity for education as a vital component of our lives. They will be aware of the prominence, significance, and changes that education may bring about in a person’s life.
Goals of education for all
The goal of the international effort Education for All (EFA), which was initially introduced in 1990, is to make education accessible to all members of society. UNESCO, the World Bank Group, and a large coalition of national governments, civil society organizations, and development organizations made the following commitments to fulfill this objective:
- Specifically for the poorest and vulnerable kids, increase and expand access to comprehensive early childhood care and education.
- Ensure that all kids, especially girls, those who live in challenging situations, and those who are members of racial or ethnic minorities, have access to and complete a high-quality, free, and required primary education.
- By providing equal access to suitable learning and life-skills programs, make sure that the educational requirements of all children and adults are addressed.
- In the next few years, enhance adult literacy, particularly for women, and ensure that all adults have fair access to basic and continuing education.
- Eliminate gender differences in primary and secondary education, and promote gender equality in education, with a concentrate on guaranteeing girls’ full and equal access to and accomplishment in basic education of high quality.
- Enhance every area of educational excellence and make sure that everyone performs at the highest level possible so that everyone achieves recognized and quantifiable learning outcomes, particularly in literacy, numeracy, and crucial life skills.
Importance of Education For All
As a result of the close connection between education and reproductive and child health, achieving the Education for All goals is essential to achieving the other eight Millennium Development Goals. Additionally, EFA has accumulated a body of knowledge in multi-partner collaboration with an eye toward the goals of the upcoming years. Furthermore, attaining the other MDGs is essential to reaching the MDGs for education, including bettering health, gaining access to clean water, reducing poverty, and preserving the environment. Even though several EFA goals have steadily progressed, there are still many obstacles to overcome. They are:
- Even after three or more years in school, millions of youngsters worldwide still cannot read or write.
- Children who were not attending school in their country,including half of them residing in regions devastated by armed war.
- More than half of only girls made up of all youngsters were not in school globally.
- In terms of enrolment at the elementary level and at the secondary level, many countriesremain behind toreach gender parity.
- The percentage of primary school teachers is not enough in about a third of nations that receive training following national norms.
- Pre-primary education was available to about half of young children in every country, however,the percentage was quite less in some places.
A very good strategy for the development of the next generation is the “Education for All” campaign. Numerous social, cultural, and volunteer organizations can make a significant contribution to making the dreams of underprivileged and illiterate youngsters a reality. Economic development and education are mutually beneficial. Although the Education for All program has shown to be very effective and valuable in many ways, there are still many more goals to be accomplished. They must gain popularity, especially with the rural and economically disadvantaged populations. So that even people with limited financial resources can receive the fundamental education necessary for self-development, schooling should be made both mandatory and free. India can only travel the high road of development and wealth with a comprehensive and focused education system. Education for all cangive rise to a lot of opportunities for the future generation that can not only help in individual development but also improve the economy of our country.