Not everything can be stored at room temperature. There are something’s that demand the precise perfection of humidity and moisture to be presentable. And one such thing is cigars.
Believe it or not, a cigar is considered a style statement and due to its precise storage demands, it is certainly a luxury item to hold – and smoke. Also the Cuban cigars are predominantly known as a luxury item for obvious reasons.
However, many people, especially novices, wonder how to make a humidor solution that is efficient and authentic. As you know cigars demand a certain and maintained temperature for humidity level and if you can maintain that, you will get the crisp and better taste of cigar for sure.
So in this post, we shall find out how you can effortlessly do that. Keep on scrolling!
Why is humidity important for cigar texture?
If you like to smoke cigars more often than not, you know how its texture and quality matters. And to keep up with the just-right quality, taste, texture you are demanded to keep them in perfect humidity temperature. Although you can get the best cigar humidor online, making our own solution at home always comes as a privilege.
Besides, if you can keep up the flavor and quality of cigar at its ideal level without spending some bucks, what could be better than that!
How Do I Make a Humidor Solution?
For cigars, humidor is super important to keep up the quality. Making your own customized humidor solutions is not a big deal as long as you follow the steps, right! So without any further delay let’s get straight to the business on how we can make one. First of all gather the following things in order to make the humidor solution:
1. Bowl
2. Scissors
3. Small container
4. Oasis wet foam
5. Propylene glycol (A humectant; moisture attracting agent)
6. Distilled water
How to make it
· Select the small and secure container to keep the solution in that should also have proper air flow. However, you can also cut the container for ventilation if it doesn’t already have it.
· Now cut down the oasis foam carefully to fit it well into the container but not too firmly. Make sure to keep the airflow regulated while you fi the oasis foam into the container
· At this point, it’s time to mix a balanced part of propylene glycol and distilled water in a bowl. Note that how much solution you will require depends on the oasis foam portion/size. The goal is to soak the oasis foam that you fitted into the container.
· Now after adding the solution to the container, now douse the oasis foam into the solution (propylene glycol/ distilled water).
· This is it, now put back the foam into the container and add it to the humidor box for final results.
Note: Make sure not to immerse the foam to avoid increase in humidity. The reason is to keep up with the perfect temperature of moisture humidity that keeps the cigar in its best texture. So you need to only dip the oasis foam a little bit to keep it in its best form.
As said before, making the solution for the cigar humidor is not a big challenge. However, while you are making the solution, always keep an eye on the proportion of the mixture and its balanced amount. Moreover, the dipping of the oasis foam is also important as you don’t want to run your precious cigars due to over-humidity in the solution.