Early Stage
In the early stages of alcoholism, a person basically becomes dependent on alcohol due to the mood swings that he may experience; the individual may drink alcohol because he may be frustrated or even low or because he may be going through a difficult phase in his life. When faced with challenges of this nature, some people turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism. There is a possibility that the person and people among them will be unable to recognize the warning signs that one of their family members is becoming addicted to alcohol. It’s possible that they don’t notice the effects that regular alcohol consumption has on the individual. It’s possible that he drinks a significant amount of alcohol on a regular basis, but there’s no evidence that he’s dependent on it, at least not according to other people.
In the early stages, the body will not have a strong desire to drink, and the individual may find that they can function just fine without their usual daily intake of alcohol. When someone who has been drinking heavily for a long time, even in the beginning stages, decides to stop drinking, alcohol withdrawal symptoms may begin to appear in a short amount of time.
Middle Stage
These are the stages that a person goes through as their desire to drink alcohol gradually grows stronger. The individual starts drinking more and more alcohol, and as he does so, he loses the ability to control his desire to consume alcohol because he no longer has the willpower to do so. His tolerance decreases, and he ends up being a victim of alcoholic abuse; at this stage, if the person significantly reduces their alcohol intake without actually checking with their doctor, then alcohol withdrawal symptoms may soon appear.
Even though the individual may be aware of the problems caused by their excessive drinking of alcohol, it appears that they are currently headed in the direction of becoming dependent on the substance. The individual acknowledges that he does, in fact, have a problem with his alcohol habits; however, he will not admit this in front of other individuals.
Ending Stage
These are the stages during which the person’s drinking habits directly contribute to an increase in the degree to which they are dependent on alcohol. When he takes even a small sip of alcohol, he starts to feel better, but this is the most dangerous stage of the addiction and the person needs to learn to stop drinking as soon as possible. It is imperative that he or she consult a qualified medical specialist as soon as possible and adhere to the recommendations made by the specialist.
At this point, the symptoms become more noticeable in front of other people as well; the majority of alcoholics suffer from problems related to malnutrition. When consumed in large quantities, alcohol impedes digestion and the movement of nutrients through the intestines and into the bloodstream, both of which can lead to health problems. The liver begins to deteriorate, which reduces its ability to convert nutrients into a form that the body requires; as a result, our organs are able to derive some benefit from them. It’s possible that the disrupted cells won’t get the necessary nutrients, so they won’t be able to repair themselves, and our bodies will continue to show signs of wear and tear as a result.When a patient reaches this particular stage at this time, his chances of getting a weak increase, and he becomes completely dependent on alcohol for his day-to-day habits, according to medical professionals. Therefore, treating it at the appropriate time and ridding oneself of this habit is absolutely necessary for the individual who wishes to get treated for alcoholic habits in themselves.