Website is one of the biggest assets in 2023. Almost every business can be found on the Internet. Even it has become easy to create a website with content management system tools such as WordPress. Any non-tech savvy can easily start their business digitally by creating their website and connecting with reliable hosting such as bluehost hosting.
However, as the number of websites is getting increased, hackers are also getting active. Thus, almost every small to medium-sized website is vulnerable. This is because, most of the time, short to medium-sized websites pay less or no attention to cyber security threats.
So, how to make sure that your website is secure?
Here, today’s blog shares the essential steps that are needed to make your site secure. So, let’s get started.
Key Essential Steps to Keep Your Website Secure
Keeping your website secure is a constant battle. The Internet is full of hackers who are trying to steal information and expose vulnerabilities in your website. It might be tempting to take shortcuts when it comes to security, but this could lead to disaster down the road. Here are key steps that you can take today to keep your website safe from hackers:
1. Secure Your Server
For your server to be secure, you need to install a firewall and antivirus software. You also want to use a backup solution that can protect against viruses, hackers, and other Internet threats. If you’re not sure which one is right for you or what they do exactly–or even if they’re available at all in your country–there are plenty of resources out there that will help with this question.
Finally, make sure that whoever hosts the site has good customer service: if something goes wrong with your website or its hosting provider, having someone who knows how their particular service works on hand can save hours of frustration in trying to figure out what went wrong (and how).
2. Update Software And Operating System
You should update your software and operating system to the latest version. You can check your current version of the software by going to Settings > About on your device or by opening Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Update. If you don’t see an update available for this version, then it’s best to wait until one becomes available before installing it.
3. Encrypt Data
To prevent attackers from accessing your data, you need to encrypt it. There are several ways to do this:
- Use HTTPS (HTTP Secure) instead of HTTP when transmitting sensitive information. This is important because it makes sure that no one can intercept the communication between you and your website or server.
- Use a VPN when accessing public Wi-Fi hotspots, as many of them use unencrypted protocols like WEP or WPA2 personal encryption protection, which makes them vulnerable to attack by hackers if they can get access to the network or its users’ passwords.
- Use a proxy server so that only those who have permission will be able to access certain websites through their computer’s browser window while others won’t be able anymore due to having been locked out due lack having been installed correctly too long ago.
4. Regular Data Backup and Restore
Web hosting companies offer a lot of different ways to back up your site, but it is always recommended to use either SQL or MySQL databases as they are both easy to use and efficient. If you have an SSD drive with plenty of space, it’s also worth considering using it for your backups. Backing up important files like images and videos will help protect them against accidental deletion or corruption during an outage or disaster recovery situation.