As humans, we are driven by desire, and I believe that it is the root of why living intentionally is so hard. Getting into trouble is a result of our desires being out of alignment with God’s will.
Each of us is tempted when we are enticed by our own evil desires and dragged away. Desire bears sin after it has conceived, and sin bears death after it has grown to full maturity.”
We can be more intentional in our lives by taking note of the four things James writes about the word, desire.
1. It is a matter of personal desire, according to James. As a result of our own evil desires, we are drawn away and tempted. The biggest trick Satan plays on you is to create desires within you that draw you in the wrong direction. The ultimate choice is yours.
2. The power of desire cannot be understated. It is as if James is dragging you away from the situation. Is there ever a time when you feel like someone is grabbing you by the collar and pulling you into something you want?
It’s time to get real. Psychologists say food fills a hole in your life where there is an unmet need, which is true. These things could be analyzed, but food can develop as a center of desire. Is power a desire you have? Power corrupts, as we see in politics. Losing power is a great loss for people. What about God-given sex desires? We should have the best sexual lives as Christians in marriage. Certainly, 1 Corinthians 7 states that. However, sometimes we distort what God has put in a box, and we think it is a normal desire.
Some people are driven by the desire for control. This one is a challenge for me. To have a sense of control, you always have to know what the limits are. While I do not have much control intellectually, I want to ensure that I do have some control.
3. Desire progresses after conception. Growing and developing from a seed is like putting a seed in the ground.
As long as desire is not satisfied, it will never be satisfied. Addictions can be a very powerful force – we all have family members who suffer from them. In spite of intellectually knowing that the desire for that will ultimately kill them, people are drawn to need more and more.
Our desire to follow God’s desires is God’s intention. Our lives are driven by his desires.
Consider what you desire. What is the origin of these people? Is your life today different from what it was yesterday because of your desires? What can you do during these next 30 days to align your desires with God’s desires so that He will be glorified?
The Psalmist writes in Psalm 37:4 that he will grant your heart’s desires if you delight yourself in the Lord. It means total dependance on and pleasure in the Hebrew language. God will grant you the desires of your heart when you are totally dependent on him, and pleased with him.
Give yourself a 30-day challenge. Get up every day and spray, Lord, let my desires align with yours. Whatever my desires are, may they be in accordance with your will.